For many Texans, fishing is a favorite pastime and a great way to get outdoors…
Shimano Technium Invisitec in long-term test

The Shimano Technium Invisitec line accompanied me this year when I went trout fishing with the spinning rod. But not only there I used it, but also for light spin fishing for perch and chub when fishing on the river. It was wound on a Shimano 2500 Sedona reel. The reason why I mostly do without braided trout fishing and like monofilament fish, is Quite simply, the lower visibility in the water and the better buffer effect for strong fish. Especially with brown trout in smaller bodies of water, this is more important, because here the fish often bite from a short distance.
First impression
To be honest, the first impression of a line is rather short. The packaging is relatively nice, but I don’t really care. I prefer a good product. The cord looks relatively soft, but not too soft and has rather little stretch for a monofilament, so just right for spin fishing.

In the test
Here, too, I write a little less at first, as an angler pays little attention to his line, although it is probably the most important thing next to the bait. In any case, I didn’t notice it negatively and there were only a few wigs and if so, because I fished without a vortex or wound the Sedona reel under the spool again. Of course, the cord has little to do with that. The line always held where I took a 0.185 mm line for trout fishing. The Bite detection was always good due to the low stretch and I was able to land my largest brown trout this year with the line, what more do I want? Still, I had a lot of thrills when I played the drill when I noticed that there was a really strong fish on it. The Abrasion resistance The line also seems to be very good, so I have it with me
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icy rod rings right at the end of the trout closed season and used for many operations in very stony waters. I found this strength perfect for light spin fishing, although the line is also available in diameters up to 0.4 mm.
The line stays on my fishing reel and continues to be fished. Much more praise can hardly come from me, because I always like to optimize my fishing gear and change quickly.
Shimano Technium Invisitec