The Florida coast is a paradise for anglers, with its vast array of fish species…
Properties of travel rods: an overview
For anglers who want to fish on the side or specifically on vacation, or who have even planned a real fishing vacation, the question of the right fishing tackle for the vacation quickly arises. The transport size of a rod plays an important role. Whether in a fully packed car or on an airplane, space is often limited and the long, two-part detachable rods can cause difficulties with their large transport dimensions. Bulky goods surcharges for the plane are expensive. Therefore, this article is about travel routes and the right choice of them. It should also be kept in mind that travel routes are not just for vacation. But there are many advantages that speak for travel routes, also and especially for use in domestic waters. If you don’t have a car and go fishing by bike, you know what I’m talking about.
It is of course always possible to stock up on fishing while on holiday, but many angling dealers only see tourists as quick money and have little interest in keeping customers and giving them good advice. Wrong advice is the result. I was already sold squid bait in the Mediterranean in the summer and promised that you can now catch it from the shore with it. Afterwards, however, local anglers who observed me during my hopeless project told me that octopus can only be caught in the region from the shore in winter. Which was then confirmed to me in later research. But that’s just a brief personal story by the way.
Advantages and disadvantages of travel routes at a glance
Advantages of travel rods
- Reduced pack size
- Convenient transportation
- Low risk of damage in transit
- Also always easy to carry in the car
- Stiffer rods with good action
Disadvantages of travel rods
- Slightly less stable than comparable two-piece rods
- Feeling is also slightly reduced

Telescopic routes as itineraries
Many telescopic rods with a shorter handle have the advantage of a small pack size. If you just want to fish a little on the side and prefer to fish with a float, water ball or on the bottom with small bait, this can be a simple and cheap alternative to a detachable rod. For spin fishing or for larger fish, these rods are clearly at a disadvantage compared to 5-part plug-in rods. Often the cheaper telescopic rods are too wobbly for soulful spin fishing. Another disadvantage is the risk of breaking telescopic rods, as they break much faster and have lower load limits. Rods in pre-fab sets for € 25 are usually quite useless and cause more frustration than pleasure. I advise against it!
The situation is different with high-quality telescopic rods. On there is already an article that deals intensively with telescopic rods, including some recommendations for good rods.
Steckruten as an itinerary
With detachable rods, it must be ensured that the plug connections are in place. In addition, the rod rings have to be in alignment every time you set up the rod, which can be a bit laborious with 4 or more connections, but it is worth it. For this you will be rewarded with a significantly better action and stability of the rod but also better casting properties.
Unfortunately, the processing of such a large number of plug-in connections is also significantly more expensive for the manufacturer, which is why travel rods are often a price segment higher than the same two-part models.

Pack size and planes
The reason to get a travel rod is above all the small pack size. On an airplane, it is best to carry your travel rod in a suitcase between your clothes. This means that the rod is well protected and safe from damage. Most of the travel rods fit straight into larger suitcases without any problems. Most airlines allow a suitcase size (belt width) of 158 cm as the maximum size. This is calculated as the height + length + width of the suitcase. But it is best to take another look at the airline’s website yourself, at least that’s how I always do it.
Rod tubes

In the airplane, rod tubes are of course also a way of protecting two-part rods from damage during transport. There are special rod tubes with which you can easily transport your longer two-part or even one-part rods. A lock is often useful to protect your rods from theft. A rod bag with a hard case is ideal for transportation in the car. The Beastmaster STC Twin Tip rod is delivered with a sturdy and elegant rod tube.

Travel rods for fresh water
For fresh water, similar rods are to be used worldwide as we are for fish of similar size. With a heavy pike rod up to 80g casting weight, you are almost everywhere prepared for fish up to 1 m in length. However, there is a “strength gradient” of the fish that is related to the temperature. The warmer the water temperatures and the closer we are to the equator, the harder the fish fight on average. A peacock cichlid in the Amazon or in the Philippines fights much harder at 50 cm in length than a 1 m pike.
Travel routes for the sea
For the sea, relatively stronger rods are usually necessary than for fresh water. Corrodibility of rod rings and other metal parts also play an important role for both rod and role. As with freshwater fish, there is a north-south gradient in terms of fighting power. In addition, sea predators are much stronger than freshwater fish. A 1 m long tuna tiger or an amberjack of the same size cuts each pike rod in seconds. Unfortunately, saltwater rods usually cost a little more than comparable freshwater rods. Because here more expensive materials have to be used and the rod has to deal with much stronger fish. The mullets that can be found in many Mediterranean ports are also strong fighters and more stable equipment is mandatory for the larger specimens. On the one hand, you can also use it to cast lighter bait, and on the other hand, the powerful fish are less likely to cut out.
The right reel for a travel rod
Fortunately, there is no need for a specific reel for a travel rod. Here is a large overview >> of current and good spinning reels.
From the boat
From the boat, shorter and shorter rods are the order of the day, as longer rods are more in the way and there is no need for long casts. When it comes to larger sea predators, the only thing that counts is the strength of the rod, which is good news for the price, because big game or other heavier boat rods still use a lot of cheap fiberglass. Medium boat rods for Norway are a bit more expensive. A rod that can be used both as a boat rod and as a spinning rod from the shore is the Beastmaster STC Shore Boat. I tested the rod: for the test.
Fishing permit on vacation
It is best to do a short research about the nearby waters and the required licenses as well as the fish that occur and their closed seasons and dimensions. Many countries also need one by the sea Fishing permit. A fishing exam like ours is not necessary. For Spain you need a license in both fresh and salt water by the sea, which of course also includes the Canary Islands. A license is also required in Croatia and many other EU countries and it is advisable to acquire one, because the fines and fines are often quite high.
An extra tip: Good fishing spots can also be scouted out from home with Google Earth, there is a post here >>.